Thursday, May 25, 2006

Welcome to my Blog

Welcome to my new Blog, Notes from a Miniature Submarine! You (by 'you' I mean 'the one or two people who happened here while looking for fish tank supplies') must be wondering, "What is this site all about? Is this guy a marine biologist, or something? "And the answer is: yes, I am a marine biologist. And, yes, I do pilot a miniature submarine on marine expeditions. And, yes, I am well paid and get to keep the sub in my garage. I never said I was good at it. But, yeah, I get to go to exotic places like the Sargasso sea. We put the sub (which cost something like eight million dollars of tax-payers' money) on the boat (which is usually a rental), and then we go toodling out into the middle of...nowhere. The GPS guys take care of that. Then, when we have found a good spot (usually signalled by my yelling, 'a fish! a fish!') we lower the submarine into the water and I climb down inside. Oftentimes one of the crew members' snot-nosed kids will make the voyage with us, and will beg to climb down in the submarine with me. Because we cannot allow children to have nervous breakdowns on the ship, which is a rental, I usually allow the child aboard, so long as it does not touch any of the controls, which are sensitive, and which, if steered in the wrong direction for so much as a second, could result in the submarine imploding. Cruising along the ocean floor, we witness every manner of marine life, squid, whales, barnacle encrusted pirate ships, and my very favorite, the electric eel. And that is what this site is all about! My adventures as the pilot of a miniature submarine...with pictures!


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